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Building a Data-Driven Digital Marketing Foundation for Hanover Research

What Olive Did For This Client

agency ROI
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reduction in cost-per-lead
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increase in website conversions
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The Client

Hanover Research offers customer-research and analytics to corporate, education, and healthcare sectors allowing organizations to make informed decisions and heighten their effectiveness. The Hanover Research team of 200+ expert analysts provide ongoing research that adapts to each client’s needs. Each year, Hanover Research deploys more than one million surveys to gather their insights.

The Challenge

How could an internal marketing team keep pace with the ongoing needs of three distinct business units while maintaining a cohesive digital strategy? Each year, the Hanover Research marketing team creates campaigns and substantial amounts of content to support its marketing efforts. Unfortunately, their rapid work pace left little opportunity for measurement, analysis, and improvement. Their digital content, while of good quality, was often built as needed and therefore lacked a strong data foundation and full integration with accompanying strategies. Olive & Company was tasked to create a data-driven digital marketing foundation to prove and increase ROI. This entailed validating strategies, improving campaign performance, and guiding ongoing web and digital strategy.

The Solution

Olive & Company was initially brought in to improve paid digital performance. The scope of our work soon included data-driven performance measurement and analysis. Our duties further expanded with the addition of website improvements and a broader digital strategy, kicked off with a comprehensive digital audit. We used the findings from this audit to implement sweeping strategies that reshaped and guided all digital endeavors. Our efforts also redefined goals and tracking methods so they could scale with constantly expanding online content and campaigns. Olive was then assigned to be the ongoing manager and developer of the Hanover Research website. Foundational to all of these efforts was the enhancement of all online forms to improve integration with their customer relationship management (CRM) tool. This created a stronger connection between marketing data and sales data, which ultimately revealed a more complete picture of ROI. Our role with Hanover Research continues to this day, ever-increasing in scope, and now covers ongoing web development, support, UX refinement and guidance, SEO analysis, design, and content improvements.

Project Highlights

  • Completed multiple pillar pages to serve as organic search magnets and thought leadership assets.
  • Facilitated a comprehensive audit of more than 200 website landing pages and forms.
  • Developed a website continuous improvement roadmap to guide ongoing design and content work.
  • Consistently generated a full pipeline of top and bottom-of-funnel leads for the Hanover sales team.

Services Provided

  • Digital Strategy
  • Web Design and Development
  • Website SEO and UX improvements
  • Paid Digital Advertising (Paid Search and Paid Social)
  • Marketing Performance Analysis
Olive & Co. is an invaluable partner for us as we expand our digital presence. Their team serves as trusted hands who have helped us craft a paid and website strategy customized for our unique needs, market requirements, and organizational goals. Working with them is always a delight as they bring rich expertise and thoughtful advice to the discussion. Overall, the investment we’ve made in partnering with Olive has driven measurable results and positioned us well for future growth.”
Amanda Lockhart
Vice President Marketing, Hanover Research
Hanover website desktop and tablet versions