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15-Point Website Assessment

Website Assessment

This website assessment will help you evaluate the current condition of your site. Is your website out of alignment with your company’s vision? Has your digital strategy fallen behind the competition? Does your site need a few key updates or a comprehensive overhaul? Complete this assessment to find out.


Does your website effectively serve your business’s goals?Ultimately, your website is a tool, and it should be used to support the outcomes that matter most to your business. Looking to generate leads? Boost recruitment? Provide validation within a sales process? Influence brand perceptions? Ask yourself, “Is our website doing its job?”
Correct! Wrong!


Does your website properly represent your brand’s positioning, messaging, and visual identity?Websites are focal points for modern brands. If the brand portrayed on your website doesn’t match other interactions and communications, you’ll create confusion, undermine trust, or simply convey the wrong impression to users. Is the brand portrayed on your website correct?
Correct! Wrong!


Does your website make it easy for users to find information and take action?Your users don’t appreciate a positive website experience. They expect it. When your targeted audiences visit your website, what is their experience like? Can they quickly find the information they’re looking for? Does your content speak to their challenges and answer their questions? Do you provide them with clear next steps?
Correct! Wrong!


Is your website easy to use for people with disabilities or other accessibility barriers?In addition to helping the large number of people with permanent and temporary disabilities, website accessibility helps individuals with situational limitations. All of these individuals will form their impressions of your brand from the experience they have on your website. Is that experience fully accessible?
Correct! Wrong!


Does your website provide an optimal experience across all modern devices and screen sizes?Audiences access websites on smartphones, tablets, desktops, and everything in between, and they expect a seamless experience no matter what. If your website can’t meet those expectations, users will simply abandon your site and move on to a competitor with a better site. Will your site work on every device?
Correct! Wrong!


Does your website follow the SEO best practices necessary to rank ahead of your competitors?SEO can be frustrating and unpredictable. When done correctly, though, it can be a powerful source of high-quality traffic, and, if you want your business to be found online, you simply can’t ignore it. Is your site following content, keyword, and technical SEO best practices?
Correct! Wrong!


Do you regularly publish high-quality website content that answers audience questions and shapes brand perceptions? Content marketing provides a powerful way to connect with your audiences at every stage of their brand journey. It attracts traffic, answers questions, changes how people view your brand, and enables ongoing sales efforts. Are you capitalizing on this vital aspect of modern website strategy?
Correct! Wrong!


Is your site structured to streamline desired conversion actions like form fills and phone calls?When users visit your site, do they end up completing the action you want them to take? Have you designed your site navigation and page experience to prompt users to download your content, register for your webinar, request a quote, or whatever other action supports your objectives?
Correct! Wrong!


Do you give your website visitors a reason—and a way—to come back?While it’s crucial to attract traffic to your website, it’s equally important—or even more important—to get website visitors to come back. Does your site give users a clear reason to return and an easy way to do so through email notifications, remarketing campaigns, or other mechanisms?
Correct! Wrong!


Are you using available technology platforms to improve your website experience and data gathering capabilities?If you’re only using a content management system and Google Analytics, you’re missing out on powerful website tools and insights. Marketing automation platforms, lead tracking tools, personalization plug-ins, and much more. Are you using these technology platforms to elevate your site’s performance and stay ahead of your competitors?
Correct! Wrong!


Is it easy for site administrators to make content updates on your website?When websites are difficult for site administrators to use and update, they quickly become outdated and have a negative impact on brand perception. These issues also chip away at organizational morale as marketing and sales teams feel limited by their website, and web teams feel powerless to help. Is your website set up to empower your team?
Correct! Wrong!


Do you have a program in place to continuously monitor and elevate the performance of key website factors?No matter how well crafted it may be, a modern website is never completely finished. SEO and UX can always be improved, and there are always more opportunities to connect with audiences through new content. Are you dedicating the continuous improvement time and resources necessary to help your website reach its full potential?
Correct! Wrong!


Does your website load quickly so users don’t have to wait?Site speed is really just another aspect of user experience, but, if your website doesn’t load quickly for your users, the other aspects of your site’s UX won’t matter. Have you reviewed your site speed and made optimizations to minimize page load time?
Correct! Wrong!


Do you follow website security best practices to protect your website and your data?Your website acts as brand spokesperson, sales representative, and human resources manager, all at once. In other words, your website is a business critical asset, and it needs to be protected from cybersecurity threats that would take it down. Has your web team implemented proper measures to secure your website?
Correct! Wrong!


Are you effectively tracking—and understanding—website goals, traffic, and visitor behaviors?There’s a limitless amount of data available in website analytics platforms like Google Analytics. Accessing performance data, though, is different from organizing, understanding, and using that data to inform decisions. Do you have a complete grasp on your website’s performance data?
Correct! Wrong!

15-Point Website Assessment
Don’t feel too bad. Website strategies and technologies evolve, and some sites just get left behind for any number of different reasons. It’s time for a fresh start, but the fact that you’re reading this means you’re already doing the work to improve your website.

Learn how Olive can help
Your website is like many others that are simply ready for an overhaul. Your site has a few admirable qualities, but can no longer keep up with expectations and the competitive digital landscape. You don’t need to throw everything out, but a new website foundation will help reinvigorate your brand.

Learn how Olive can help
You probably still need a new website, but you do have a better foundation than many. Build on the things you’re already doing well, and embrace the new strategies and technologies that can take your brand’s website to the next level.

Learn how Olive can help
Your website is in pretty good shape. Maybe it’s not perfect, but you’re doing a lot of things well, which means you have a decision to make. Is it more efficient to improve on what you already have, or, based on the gaps in your website strategy, would you be better off going through a redesign process? Don't fret. We've helped many of our clients navigate this exact decision.

Learn how Olive can help
Wow! We’re impressed. Your website is probably pretty new, or you have an outstanding team taking care of your site. Like we said, though, a modern website is never completely finished. There’s always room for improvement, and, if you’re reading this, we suspect you agree.

Learn how Olive can help

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Olive & Company
Olive & Company
Founded in 2003, Olive & Company has dedicated our existence to a single purpose: providing finely tuned Modern Marketing solutions that drive brands and deliver business results. By helping brands stay in tune with emerging trends and technology, we give them the tools they need to adapt and refine their strategies to better engage and inspire their audiences.